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Dr. 玛丽珍o Mahoney Featured In 500th Episode of 'Admissions Straight Talk' Podcast

Dr. 玛丽珍. Mahoney, Associate Professor of English and Director of the Medical Humanities program at 埃尔迈拉大学, was a featured guest on the 500th episode of the “Admissions Straight Talk” podcast, released on December 13, 2022.

在播客中, Mahoney gives tips for preparing a medical school application, focusing on how to write with empathy.

“Since pre-med students face very demanding academic milestones in core science curricula, over time speaking empathetically rather than scientifically about biology and medicine can feel like unmoored territory,马奥尼说. “然而, we need future healthcare professionals to be inherently empathetic, 富有同情心的, 和无私. I help pre-med students, and other health science students, find and tell empathetic stories about others, about witnessing human struggle or triumph, in writing and in conversation.”

The weekly “Admissions Strait Talk” podcast is produced by Accepted, a consulting company that helps students apply to and get accepted into graduate programs.
